Basil is one of the easiest herbs to grow from seeds in Singapore because it is a sun loving plant. From sowing to producing fresh leaves takes a cycle of between 6-8 weeks. If you use a lot of basil, it can work out to be a lot cheaper to grow them from seeds.
Getting Started - Planting Materials
Planter pot/container: Basil love well drained soil so it is important to use a container that provides good drainage. Choose a pot made of any materials - clay, ceramic, PPE, but ensure that there are enough holes at the bottom to drain any access water.
Soil: The best medium to use for your basil seeds is a light potting mix of coco peat and perlite. A light potting mix will allow the roots of your seedlings to grow freely. Fill your container with potting mix, add water, and mix until your soil is just wet enough to hold together in your hand.
Growing from Seeds
If you are sowing directly into your planter pot, sow between 3-4 basil seeds, 10-12cm apart. Cover the pot with a dome or plastic cover (this will help keep the moisture). Basil is quick to germinate in our warm climate. You should see your seeds germinate in 3-4 days. As soon as the seeds have germinated, remove the dome, spray with water, and place them under sunlight with good air circulation.

Three weeks after the seeds germinated
Growing Basil From Cuttings
If you already have a basil plant, you can grow more from cuttings. It's fairly easy to grow from cuttings.
- Find a nice long stem and cut just below the last leaf node.
- Trim off about 5-8cm of leaves from the bottom of the stem.
- Place the trimmed cutting in a clear glass or jar of water and place in a sunny spot. You can propagate several cuttings at once in the same glass.
- Change the water in your glass every other day. The rooting stems need clean, fresh water in order to thrive. If you leave the same water in the glass for too long, the stems are prone to rot.
- Once the roots begin to form, wait until they’ve grown to at least 4-5cm in length (2-3 weeks).
- Be sure to separate the roots carefully when you remove the stems.
When the roots are 4-5cm long, you can transfer your cuttings into a pot. Like growing them from seeds, you'll need a light, well-draining potting mix. Plant your cutting about 10-12cm deep. I like potting at least 3-4 cuttings in one pot.
How To Care For Your Basil Plant
Once your basil has reached the seedling stage, caring for your plant is fairly easy.
1. Basil are sun-loving herbs so make sure they get plenty of sun - at least 4-5 hours. In Singapore, where it tends to get very hot, morning or late afternoon sun is best.
2. Never over water your basil herb. Bottom watering your basil is best as it allows the roots to soak the water and keeps them hydrated.
3. Always keep the basil plant in an area with good air circulation. It will keep your plant healthy and reduce the risk of developing mould.
4. Fertilise your basil with a natural fertiliser like bone meal once every 2 weeks initially during the seedling stage, and then cut back to once every 4 weeks when it has reached it's maximum height.
5. Regular pruning of your basil plant is extremely important because it allows the plant to branch and grow into a bushy pattern rather than tall and lengthy. Start doing this when your plant starts growing about 4-5 sets of leaves. To prune, simply cut the stem right above the leaf node (the point where side shoots emerge).
6. Basil is an annual herb so be sure to replace your basil every year to enjoy maximum flavour.
7. Tomato and basil make great companion plants. They are a perfect pairing not only in growing but delicious as a paired serving as well!
If you've never tried growing your own basil from seeds, there's no time like now!
Hi Kim,
We only use organic fertilisers (if at all) such as worm cast or bone meal. During the baby leaf stage (if we are growing from seeds), we add bone meal to the pot once and that is usually enough to spurt growth. Beyond that, we hardly ever feed any additional fertiliser.
Hi Yinng,
Most basil plants are annual so you may want to trim off the stems of your existing basil plant after a year and root them for a new crop.
Hi YC,
There are a few things to note for your Thai Basil.
1. Ensure that the medium is one that allows good drainage.
2. Water daily, especially on hot days.
3. The curled leaves you are seeing on your basil leaves could be a fungal infection. Trim off the upper portion of the stem which are curling and ensure your pot is placed in a sunny location.
I have repot the young basil I bought from the supermarket using soilless potting mix with pearlite. i used liquid kelp seaweed fertilizer. The leaves of the basil is green but very stiff and small. what is the problem with the plant. Also I try growing with basil seeds and use the method as shared by you but the seeds do not germinate at all? Hope you could advise. Thanks. Kin
Hi Sakina, I’ve been planting herbs for years, but with no success. Glad to find your blog which covers Singapore climate. I’ve bought a potted basil about 6 months back and re-potted it into 3 pots. Recently, the lower leaves are turning yellow and droopy. I water each pot with 1/2 cup of water every morning. The soil has good drainage. Water seeps out from the bottom within 1 minute after watering. The pots are along the corridor, so they get sufficient sunlight too. I’ve checked and there are no aphids. So far, I’ve trimmed them 2×.
I’ve read that yellow leaves is a sign of overwatering. Should I stop watering? But I’ve also read that we should water basil every day as Singapore is hot. What would you suggest in my situation?
I’ve also propagated some cuttings in water. It’s coming to 4 weeks and the roots are well established. The cuttings are healthy. Before planting them in soil, I hope to understand the cause of the yellowing leaves. Would basil continue to grow if I leave them in water instead of soil? Appreciate your advice.